Solana content creator and educator, Andy (aka SolAndy), makes a guest appearance. Andy shares his background and how he first started creating content for the Solana ecosystem. (It was with bounties!)
After not participating in the MadLad, Nick gave in an purchased a MadLad. Andy describe the experience of minting MadLabs through the xNFT directly in the Backpack wallet.
As educators, James and Andy talk about what they think is the best of how to learn Solana development: project based learning. And why some good developer content appears more over others on platforms like YouTube.
Fun fact: Did you know that Andy used to be a university professor?
Find Andy online
Links from the show
- Nick gave in a purchased a MadLad
- The Solana Development Course (hosted on SolDev)
- Andy's video version of the Solana Development course
Solana news from the week
- Google announced a web3 accelerator, and Solana Foundation is sponsoring
- Circle just announced the Cross Chain Transfer Protocol, allowing transferring USDC between blockchains
- The Floor NFT app announced they will be adding Solana support in the coming weeks
- The new solana web3js package is making great strides
- production Saga phones are starting to be delivered
- Sharky fi paid out their first reward pool
- You can now purchase Bonfida names using Brave’s BAT
- MadLads are selling like hot cakes. Many sub DAOs are being formed
- $1.5m per day in sales, with all of solana doing $4m