Browse Podcast Episodes

Chat with Vibhu about why SolanaSpaces is shutting down
Vibhu, the CEO and Founder of SolanaSpaces and, explains why Solana Spaces is shutting down and shares his thoughts/reasoning about the closure.

Solana Monkey Business, Solana Pay, and marginfi lending
HadeSwap acquired Solana Monkey Business. marginfi started collecting funds for their new on chain lending protocol, and a SolDev redesign? Crazy week

Solana pNFT and wallets with Vibhu from
Vibhu, founder of Solana Spaces and stops in. The gents talk programable NFTs and mutability, or lack there of.

Hardware wallet with the Solana phone
Nick finally got his Saga, and he is blown away. The gents talk specs and the pure beauty of the Saga phone, from hardware to software.

Saga the Solana Mobile phone
James received his Saga developer test phone, and Nick’s is inbound, they discuss possibilities of a mobile first crypto experience.

A lost episode and a personal hackathon for James?
James and Nick both ordered their developer Saga phones, plus Nick baits James into a personal hackathon bet with the promise of a Solana Spaces NFT.

Crypto taxes and the struggle of a getting Saga phone
Nick and James talk about how the US handles crypto taxes, which is less than they spitball options as Nick struggles to order his Saga phone.

Solfate Podcast: Solana blockchain focused podcast
In this very first episode, Nick and James introduce themselves. They give their backgrounds and how each of them started building and educating on Solana.